6116 Broadway
San Antonio, TX 78209
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday 8AM-5PM
Directory | |
Emergency | 911 |
Customer Service | (210) 822-3331 |
Fire/EMS (Non Emergency) | (210) 824-1281 |
Police (Non-Emergency) | (210) 822-3321 |
Police Administration Office | (210) 822-6433 |
Police Investigation | (210) 822-2164 |
Administration and Finance | (210) 822-3331 |
Human Resources | (210) 882-1503 |
Taxes | (210) 882-1502 |
Water | (210) 882-1507 |
Court Clerk | (210) 882-1501 |
Public Works (includes solid waste, brush, recycling, streets, etc.) | (210) 882-1518 |
Planning and Development Services (includes permits and inspections) | (210) 826-0516 |
Illicit Discharge Dumping Hotline | (210) 882-1518 |
Construction Run-off Hotline | (210) 822-3331 |